Weaving for Women

This project was founded in 1995 by Mrs. Daisy Dwe to help stateless families and single mothers of different ethnicities in the area to earn an income so that they can contribute to their own livelihood.
This project was founded in 1995 by Mrs. Daisy Dwe to help stateless families and single mothers of different ethnicities in the area to earn an income so that they can contribute to their own livelihood.
The Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary provides a great contribution to the community in Sangkhlaburi. Street dogs, some in poor condition, are vaccinated against rabies, spayed/neutered, groomed and cared for. Sangkhlaburi is now rabies free and safer for all thanks to this sanctuary.
According to the latest information, the coronavirus has fortunately not yet reached Sangkhlaburi. A national emergency law imposed by the Thai government includes a curfew from 22:00h to 04:00h. Restaurants, bars and hotels must remain closed. The market hall in the town, normally a very busy place all day where meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits are sold, is also closed.
This environmental project was initiated by the teenagers of Baan Dada Children's Home in Huai Malay, Sangkhlaburi.
On Wednesday, November 27, 2019, Burmese troops entered the peaceful ethnic Mon village in Palanjapan, near the border with Thailand, and after a gun battle with the Mon resistance group, more than 700 people fled across the border into Thailand, just a few kilometers from Sangkhlaburi, to escape the fighting.
14'575 SFr. have been received in donations this year, of which 10'000 Fr. are from the Canton of Schaffhausen from the Swiss Lottery Fund for a project for which we submitted an application, and a proud 725 SFr. from the guests of the New Year's Eve evening in the Restaurant Kastanienbaum (Chestnut Tree). The remaining sum was donated by generous individuals.
Theewado is a small settlement in neighboring Burma's Mon State, 44 km from Sangkhlaburi and 20 km across the border. The majority of the approximately 200 inhabitants belong to the Karen ethnic minority.
Herzlichen Dank für Eure Spenden im Jahr 2018 PDF Projekte die wir 2018 unterstützten
Die Medical Clinic wurde im Jahr 2017 in Balaidunpaik gebaut und eingeweiht. Balaidunpaik befindet sich etwa 15 km über der Thai-Burma Grenze im Mon Staat, Burma. Sie wurde errichtet weil es in dieser Gegend sonst keine medizinische Versorgung gab. Patienten mussten vorher lange Wege gehen um erstversorgt zu werden. In der Regenzeit oft ein unmögliches […]