The Medical Clinic was built and inaugurated in Balaidunpaik in 2017. Balaidunpaik is located about 15 km across the Thai-Burma border in Mon State, Burma.
It was built because there was no other medical care in the area. Patients had to walk long distances to get first aid. In the rainy season, this was often an impossible task because of the poor road and path connections.
The clinic in Balaidunpaik is located in the center of many remote villages and settlements. For the first time, residents in this area now have at least minimal basic health care. Although there are no doctors in the clinic, the local paramedics are very well trained and continuously attend seminars to improve their skills.
Last November, we donated an amount of 500 Fr. from our charity to this clinic for the replenishment of essential medicines, bandages and sterile disposable syringes. In addition, in March of this year, we donated 400 Fr. for a solar panel, battery and accessories, thanks to which enough electricity can now be generated for light at night throughout the clinic. Balaidunpaik and the surrounding area is far away from an electricity grid, for emergencies at night petrol lamps or flashlights had to be used before.