

Ein weiteres Vereinsjahr, das Zehnte, ist Ende Juli zu Ende gegangen und wir haben dank Euren grosszügigen Spenden wieder einige Projekte in Sangkhlaburi unterstützen können. Herzlichen Dank dafür. Diese Projekte sind in diesem PDF beschrieben Klicke hier  JAHRESBERICHT 2022-2023 für deutsche Version Click here ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023  for English version    

Annual Report 2021 / 2022

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all donors and charity members who have generously supported our projects in the past 10 years and enabled us to help countless of needy families, children and also animals in Sangkhlaburi and in the surrounding region, in good cooperation with local aid organizations.

Border Health Initiative

Thanks to our generous donors, our charity was able to support BHI (Border Health Initiative), a community-based health organization in Sangkhlaburi that provides medical care to isolated communities on both sides of the Thai-Burmese border, targeting areas inaccessible to other service providers due to political or geographical barriers. We supported BHI with a donation of 1,500 Swiss Francs (55,000 Thai Baht), which will be used primarily for basic medical care for the needy people in the area.

Annual Report 2020/2021

Another year of our charity came to an end on July 31, and we entered our anniversary year, the 10th since our founding. I would like to thank you on behalf of our organization for your always generous support.    

Gate Way Café & Training Center

The Gateway Café & Skills Training Center is located in the town of Sangklaburi and is a sustainable project that provides basic education mainly to young people, single mothers, widowed women and displaced migrants. Free courses in English, computer training, math tutoring, basic hygiene, baking and other specialized skills are taught by Rolyn, the founder, a Filipino who has lived in Sangklaburi for many years.

The fate of a young family

When we had the Factory premises for the new Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary cleared and cleaned by local people, a young woman also participated in a cleaning team of 7 women. She was very eager to work hard because she urgently needed the money for her family.

A new Animal Sanctuary is born

After clearing a factory site that had been unused for 8 years and then renovating all the buildings, installing dog kennels and setting up a modern veterinary clinic, the new Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary opened on May 1 after 9 weeks of hard and tireless work by many local workers and a great team of volunteers.

Weaving for Women

This project was founded in 1995 by Mrs. Daisy Dwe to help stateless families and single mothers of different ethnicities in the area to earn an income so that they can contribute to their own livelihood.

Sewing machines project

Since the local market still uses too many disposable plastic bags for vegetables and fruits, I came up with the idea of having reusable and washable bags made in different sizes and then giving away a few dozen to certain vegetable vendors at the beginning, to find out how big or small the demand is.