Coronavirus Situation Sangkhlaburi, 6. April 2020
Datum: 6 April 2020
Gepostet von: Urs Schmid
In: News
According to the latest information, the coronavirus has fortunately not yet reached Sangkhlaburi. A national emergency law imposed by the Thai government includes a curfew from 22:00h to 04:00h. Restaurants, bars and hotels must remain closed. The market hall in the town, normally a very busy place all day where meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits are sold, has also been closed. These fresh foods may only be sold from 6:00h to 10:00h in a few street stalls outside the market hall. All stores that do not exclusively sell food are also closed, with a few exceptions for essential items such as household gas for cooking or beverage stores that also sell drinking water. The two 7-Eleven, the CJ supermarket and other food selling stores will of course remain open outside the curfew.
Many families who generated their income with their small street stalls or restaurants are now affected by these measures. Many of these families belong to the ethnic groups of Mons and Karens, or are long-time immigrants from neighboring Burma. Because most of them do not have citizenship, they cannot count on any help from the government, neither for basic care or for medical emergencies and hospital or doctor's fees, nor for the rent of their home.
Our charity "Schaffhauser Freunde helfen Sangkhlaburi" has therefore decided to cooperate with our local partner organization "One Sky Foundation" to set up an emergency aid project in order not to simply leave the most affected families to their fate. The "One Sky Foundation" is active here in this region since 2012 in the field of aid for disadvantaged children and families, and is very familiar with the local situation.
For the time being, we will contribute 600 SFr. to this project from our remaining and modest annual budget from the charity account.
I am aware that in this situation of the Covid-19 pandemic there are disadvantaged people everywhere, also in Switzerland, who need help. Nevertheless, I ask for your help for a small donation to our emergency project. I guarantee that every cent of a donation will go to an affected family. I will of course keep you informed about this project with "One Sky" on our website.
Donations to our charity are tax deductible in Switzerland according to cantonal guidelines on minimum contributions, and will be gladly accepted to our charity account with the note: "Corona Aid".
Account details at the bottom of our website.
Heartfelt thanks, and stay healthy everyone.
Urs Schmid